Well, I have to say, Kyla. I am so proud of you! You are so strong and willing. I admire your strength during this cloud in your life, and I am encouraged by your willingness to make adjustments and drive to "keep on - keepin' on". You are a blessing to have as my friend. I am fortunate to be able to share this journey with you, even though it is a journey neither of us would have chosen for ourselves or each other. Sometimes the best times are on the trips that aren't planned...I think we both know that from our many impromptu road travels. So, with that said...Keep it up MEAN GREEN KYLA JEAN! I am proud of you, I will be your cheerleader. or I will be your silent partner. Which ever you need me to be. I will. LOVE YOU!
In Joy,
I just read this again and now I feel motivated!! Thank you for your encouragement and support. Love you!