Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gratitude UPDATE

It is official! Our cleaner diet has helped alleviate the symptoms of my Sweet Whits arthritis. I started seeing changes in her May 2009. That October we changed our diets and since December of 2009, we haven't seen many of the painful signs. Here it is March 2011! 15 MONTHS!!Praise the LORD!

We will occasionally splurge and when we do we see some swelling and she does complain of a tiny amount of pain, so I KNOW it is diet related! but PRAISE THE LORD for the knowledge I have now! I am so thankful for all of the direction HE has given me in this quest. I am so thankful for the ability to learn from so many other bloggers out there going through some sort of dietary challenge. Knowing what I know now, I feel so guilty putting the crud back in our kitchen. And every time I am at the grocery store, and some form of a "processed glob" ends up in our basket...I silently remind myself that the ease of that "glob" is not worth the pain my daughter once daily endured.

On top of that, my husband and I both have felt better than we ever have before. I have not been sick in over a year-not even a cold! With the arrival of Baby William this past December, I have even more motivation to keep my diet pure and my immune system in check for his benefit.

Cooking has been getting easier and with so many disasters in the kitchen at first, I have learned what does and doesn't mix. I experiment a lot and I alter others successes in the kitchen to make them fit our needs. I have started batch cooking and freezing which makes it so much easier to reach for a quick healthy meal instead of fast food or processed snacks. The crock pot has become a new love for me since time doesn't always work in my favor. With all these changes, it has been easier than ever to stay clean on the inside and out. I am not extreme, but i do cut out what I can when I can. I am a scatter brained mom of a newborn and 4 year old...if I can do this...anyone can!

I look forward to sharing so many successful recipes this year!


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